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EllaFashion® & EllaFitting™                                                           ElmoTM

Digital Price Tags and Smart Fitting Rooms                                            Customer Flow Management System
for Fashion Retailers                                                                 (CFMS) for Retail Business

EllaFashion provides digital price tags for  EllaFitting is a smart   EllaFitting     ElmoTM CFMS is an unobtrusive sensing
fashion retail brands. The smart solution    fitting room, which      Room data       system giving valuable information for
consists of wireless labels which enable     is in syncronise with    can be used     retailers. The system records customer
dynamic pricing, real-time inventory and     EllaFashion price tags.  to guide        flow in the shop, providing long-term
integrated anti-theft.                       This solution enables    purchases       records, revealing customer flow and
                                             personalized, fast and   as well as      behaviour for further improvement of
   EllaFashion Dynamic Pricing               accurate customer        to get more     shopping revenue.
   increases omni-channel                    service and better       information
   profitability and Real-Time               cross-selling opportu-   on the clothes     Elmo™ CFMS provides extremely
   Inventory raises accuracy                 nities.                  designers.
   up to 98%.                                                                            valuable data for increasing revenue

4                                                                                        and improving customer experience.

                                                                                         Our solution can detect movement

                                                                                         up to 20 meter detector spacing

                                                                                         (400m2) per unit, depending on

                                                                                         space layout.

                                             MariElla Labels Oy | |
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